Author Archives for Alys Bryan

About Alys Bryan

Alys is a knowledgeable design editor who is focused on instigating conversations, both online and in-person, with industry experts which challenge, educate and advance the commercial interior sector. Her training and 15 years of professional experience as a furniture designer for the commercial sector makes her uniquely placed to lead Design Insider as Editor

Have Your Say…

December 7, 2017 10:23 am Published by Comments Off on Have Your Say…

In the Forth of our new discussion series ‘Have Your Say’ we are posing the question ‘Should the patient experience be re-imagined?’... Read More >

Style Library Contact Launch new video

December 6, 2017 3:52 pm Published by Comments Off on Style Library Contact Launch new video

Style Library Contract have just launched a new video giving us an insight into the company and the brands that are integral to it, the video takes us on tour through the Style Library Contract design studios