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Architecture Meets Art

International Artists & Architectures Raise Funds for ENABLE and GSoA David Mach, the Turner prize nominated Scottish Sculptor, is the latest in a long line of international artists and architects… Read More >

24 June 2014


MORRIS & CO TREND REPORT: ZEITGEIST Every month Walker Greenbank Contracts  will bring you latest trends in commercial design, showing what they feel is the flavour of the month. This month’s trend from… Read More >

24 June 2014

NeoCon June 2014 Review

 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN CHICAGO? Neocon came in with a bang, and went out on Wednesday with a whimper. There were the usual massive crowds on Monday and on Tuesday morning… Read More >

23 June 2014

Gresham Bespoke

Gresham have recently opened a new state-of-the-art bespoke manufacturing plant. Home to skilled crafts people the new division focuses on the production of hand crafted furniture.

18 June 2014