It is estimated that on average 4Â to 12 million metric tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year. By 2050 it is widely reported that the amount of plastic in the sea will outweigh the amount of fish!
As devastating as this is, this does not come as a shock to a lot of us. Over the last few years, we have been shown how bad the problem is with plastic pollution, with the BBC series Blue Planet II really highlighting this to the whole nation. Since the launch of that series we have seen the government react with its 25-year environment plan, looking to ban wet wipes, plastic straws and reduce the use of plastic bags with most supermarkets already taking up the 5p charge.
As part of our MATERIALS series Design Insider wanted to investigate this subject further with our material expert Jim Biddulph looking at how design can combat the plastic problem.
As part of the short documentary Design Insider interviewed a mixture of young designers and established brands to really get an understanding on how as an industry we can really make a change.
Special thank you to Interface, National Geographic, Everyday Plastic, James Shaw Studio and Franklin Till
The MATERIALS: LIVING WITH PLASTIC documentary will go live on and YouTube on Friday 29th June.