Contract Chair Co.
Contract Chair Co. expertly matches the needs of the hospitality furniture industry with products from European manufacturers. We offer our customers:
“Our customers trust us”
- Many loyal customers, including various of the industry’s biggest names
- More than 1,000 products delivered each week
- Steady, meaningful investment in professional staff and technology
- ‘Highly credit-worthy’ rating from credit checking agencies and ample product + public liability insurance
“Better, newer furniture”
- Thousands of products available online, for all hospitality sectors
… from over 300 trustworthy EU and UK suppliers
- New products introduced every working day, reacting to market trends
- Bespoke production capability
“Specifying to delivery process made quick and easy”
- Industry-leading website
…product prices updated automatically every day
…state-of-art product search and filter tools
…’scrapbooks’ for gathering and organising products in handy formats
…educational blog articles to support product specifying
- Central London showroom (designers and their clients welcome – free parking)
… 500 product samples (all available to be sent-out to customers)
…large fabric library and material + swatch collections
- Comprehensive delivery and installation options
Customer Care
“Long-term help and support”
- Enthusiastic, professional account management to assist with all daily tasks
- Dedicated department to manage logistics and professional installation team
- Focussed Customer Care department to quickly solve after-sale furniture issues
- Furniture Care & maintenance booklet sent with all deliveries
135 Glenthorne Road
W6 0LJ
United Kingdom
T: 0800 8494 135
135 Glenthorne Road
W6 0LJ
T: 0800 8494 135